Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Get Family Updates Via Text Message

I decided it would be a lot easier for family that is local to use my twitter account to update you on what's going on. Right now it applies primary to Shelby's softball schedule. There are so many games that we do not know the schedule until a game is finished or after pool play..we may not know the field until we get there..that kind of thing. By me using my twitter account I will basically send a text message but it will go to everyone at one time. This ensures that I do not miss anyone. I thought it would be easier if I created a desktop video for those who are technically challenged. So I took some time this afternoon to do so.

You do not have to actually use your twitter account except for the set up. If you have text messaging it will come to your phone as a text message. I can update you on scores, tournament locations, directions etc.

After you set up everything on the video you will want to go to my twitter link.

Follow along with the video and it will show you how to set up a mobile follow to get the text messages. If you have trouble viewing the video and following along due to the size you can watch it directly on You Tube Click Here

Hope this helps you all!

Friday, April 23, 2010

50+ Tips To Save Money Going Green

I have a blog that specializes in how to save money going green. I wanted to share this post that I did yesterday just for Earth Day. It involves some money saving tips so I figured you might be interested in it.....

Here is the article...

This year we celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day and the green movement has become a World Wide phenomenon!

Lots of political positioning and posturing for different hidden agendas with buzz words like Global Warming, in my humble opinion, have sort of muddied the waters a bit and have caused many people to lose focus on what should be the central message of the day...


Doesn't it just make good common sense that we should ALL do everything we can to leave this place a little better for our kids and grand kids than the way we were blessed with it??!!

Forget all the other stuff for a minute, THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE WE GOT!!

I know we are looking for water on Mars and thinking of Condos on the moon but really, who could afford a weekend get a way with the current price of Rocket Fuel?!

FACE IT! We are stuck here and it would probably be a really good idea to pick up the place! in honor of Earth Day I am going to share 50 easy tips to go green that will either not cost you any more than you already spend or my personal favorite, save you money.

Simple Tips For Around The House

  • Clean the lint screen in your dryer after every use.
  • Turn off the lights you don’t need, especially when you’re leaving a room.
  • Use power strips and turn them off when not in use.
  • Air-dry clothes rather than using the dryer.
  • Use rechargeable batteries. (they are even making C batteries rechargeable in certain places which will save you a lot of cash when powering children's toys)
  • Close curtains in the summer to keep out the sun.
  • Open curtains in the winter to let the sun in.
  • Put on a sweater instead of turning on the heat.
  • Weather strip and caulk.
  • Find a Freecycle group to trade with. Freecycle is a network of people actively looking to reuse things rather than throw them away. Essentially, people are giving the things they can’t sell away for free to others who may want or need them. Sometimes there’s some trading involved, so it’s a win-win for everyone. If you want to find a group in your area, check out their website
  • Use cold water to wash clothes whenever possible.
  • Use environmentally friendly cleaners instead of chemicals.
  • Light bulbs. If you are above the curve already in switching to CFLs then as those go out..which I am still waiting on. My oldest CFL is almost 4 years old and still going. But as they go out replace with LED bulbs..I will have the updated energy efficiency dollars coming soon for you..
  • Donate clothes or pass them on. You would be surprised how many clothes are sitting in landfills.
  • Always use reusable mugs. Usually there is a price break for doing so.
  • Shop at second hand stores for clothing.
  • When purchasing new appliances, go with energy efficient ones. Energy Star appliances are the most highly in on the tax savings right now
  • Donate your books to the library or to local shelters.
  • Use filtered water rather than bottled water. (please do not buy bottled water..more information click here)
  • Insulate your water heater – unless specifically instructed not to do so.
  • Use candles instead of air freshener. Air fresheners can poison pets and cause problems with your own health. (Click Here To Research Healthy Candle Choices)
  • Keep dampers closed on furnace and fireplace when not in use.
  • Make the most of gifts..Use gift bags instead of wrapping paper..most people will reuse them.
  • Decorate with plants to absorb indoor pollution. Saves a lot of money on doctor bills!
  • Take the stairs rather than the elevator.
  • Participate in recycling programs in your community. -- While reducing packaging should be your #1 goal whenever possible, recycle what you have. You would be surprised by a simple Google search how many local programs may receive benefits by your recycling in a designated area, especially schools. For example our school receives money for paper recycled. Once a week when I have to pick up my daughter at jazz band anyway I drop that recycling off. Another school in our area receives benefits for any recycling (which includes cardboard recycling which can be hard to find) we go there once a week anyway for softball practice. I take whatever cardboard have and fill up the rest my recycling container with other things and drop if off there. I am already driving there anyway so someone mind as well benefit from the recycling that I would have done anyway.
When You Are Out And About

  • Buy locally grown produce. Cheaper shipping means you get a better price!
  • Go with fresh produce instead of canned or prepackaged.
  • Do NOT use plastic bags.There are reusable bags everywhere now and will not cost you a lot of money switch over a little at a time. When I first started I bought 1 a month until I had enough. With kids you need a lot of bags!
  • Create a recycling center in your car. A lot of people have a trash bag in their car..why not a bag for recycling.
  • Purchase the product with the least packaging. Sometimes it's better to buy in bulk because of that. Weigh that decision with coupons etc to decide which is best for you with each product.
  • Dedicate yourself to buying things that have been recycled whenever possible. I have found in research many of the popular products that are available post-recycling the recycled version is either very close in price if not the same.

At Home Or The Office

  • Send e-cards rather than actual cards that will just get thrown away anyway.
  • Use a manual pencil sharpener.
  • Download music instead of buying CDs. Most CDs go obsolete within a few years and end up in the landfills.
  • E-mail the office memo rather than passing out paper. -- Our school has been doing this for important notes this year for the parents who have the ability to receive email. It's good not only in the fact it saves the district money on paper, but it ensures I get the important notes.
  • Direct deposit your checks to save on paper and trips to the bank.
  • Embrace technology, ditch the post its and written lists whenever possible. I am a list MUST HAVE girl. All the smart phones offer applications for list making if you are a chronic list maker like myself. Or use can use a simple notepad on your phone for free. Use it for to do lists, grocery lists anything you can think of. There are many places online that you can do the same thing and keep your notes organized. (watch for post on using these effectively between your home computer and your phone)
  • Use spell check before printing out documents to avoid excessive reprinting.
  • Recycle ink and toner cartridges. Some office supply stores are even offering a discount towards your next purchase if you bring in your old cartridges.
  • Subscribe to online newspapers.

In The Kitchen

  • Use wash cloths to clean a mess rather than paper towels.
  • Unplug all the little appliances you are not using.
  • Use reusable containers for lunches. I use small reusable containers for my kids lunches now that I am in the habit.
  • Use reusable containers for leftovers. Avoid storage bags and foil.
  • Reduce what you throw away. Studies show that American’s throw out an average of 4.4 pounds of trash per day, yet only a pound of that is recycled, composted, or reused. Landfills are brimming to the top with garbage that could otherwise have been put to better use. Incinerators are releasing harmful toxins in the air. And, having either of these in your area seriously devalues the price of your home.
  • Ok kids..Decide what you want BEFORE opening the refrigerator door
  • Fill the dishwasher before running it.
  • Turn off the heated dry on your dishwasher
  • Don’t peek in the oven. You lose 25% of the heat in the oven every time you open the door.
  • If you eat meat, add one meatless meal a week. Meat costs a lot at the store-and it's even more expensive when you consider the related environmental and health costs.
  • Cover saucepans with lids to reduce cooking time.
In The Yard

  • Build a bird house to attract bug-eating birds.
  • Use natural and organic pest control methods.
  • Pull weeds instead of using chemicals.
  • If you have a chronic weed problem in a certain area use a pan of hot boiling water and dump it on them. It will kill the roots as well without chemicals.

So there are some tips to get your thinking!

Also check out my Earth Day spot light for the month of April